국립부경대학교 | 기술경영전문대학원




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  • 이메일 : 메일
  • 전화번호 : --
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2016.02 ~ 2021.02 공학박사 / 한국과학기술원 기술경영
2010.02 ~ 2012.02 공학석사 / 한국과학기술원 경영과학
2004.02 ~ 2010.01 경영학사/ 한국과학기술원 경영과학(IT경영)

2021.03 ~ Present Adjunct Professor, Pukyong National University (PKNU)

2012.2 - Present Senior Policy Researcher, Institute for Basic Science

2013. 5 - 2013.7 Visitor, Max-Planck Gesellschaft

2009. 1 - 2011.6 Professional Blogger, Engadget Korea

2008.9 - 2009.2 Apprentice, AOL Online (America Online) Int’l Strategy / APAC New Market Team

Performance management issues related to technological innovations

Human resource management and organizational management in R&D (Gender Equality, Work-life Balance, and etc)

Diversity related issues in R&D

Research evaluation and scientific misconduct

Post catch-up and catch-up strategy of latecomer countries

등록된 내용이 없습니다.

Ko, Y., et al. "Do gender equality and worklife balance matter for innovation performance?." Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 33.2 (2021): 148-161. (ISI Indexed : SSCI)

Ko, Y., et al. "Coopetition for Sustainable Competitiveness: R&D Collaboration in Perspective of Productivity." Sustainability 12.19 (2020): 7993. (ISI Indexed : SSCI)

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